PTSD of Vietnam War Veterans Posters
Inspired by my grandfather, this project started as an illustration done in Photoshop for an editorial. Using the same color palette and concept, the idea was expanded to another two designs to make three posters, two portraits, and one type-based. In the original illustration, the guns are US guns used in the Vietnam War, aiming at the soldier’s brain, representing how the damage he had done was hurting him.
The Process
This project started as an illustration for an editorial and then expanded into these separate posters. I created sketches using my grandfather’s pictures from his time in Vietnam as a reference, and then I found pictures of American guns used in the war to include. From there I found another portrait I could illustrate and used that to expand the series of images.
When starting this illustration, I began with all the outlines, added color behind the outlines, and then added the background and adjustment layers.